Abstract This thesis  examines Serbia’s changing approach  to dealing with the Kosovo  question since 2012.  The claim of Serbia that Kosovo is an  indivisible part of its territory has been  anchored in the institutional framework of the country  ever since the Kosovo war  (1998-1999). Serbia’s attachment to Kosovo is  not only an institutional matter, but is also woven into the cultural fabric of the Serbian political collective. It resonates with the Kosovo myth, the main element  of which is the physical and symbolic claim to Kosovo. Since Kosovo declared  its  independence  in 2008,  countering  Serbia’s claim  to Kosovo,  the Serbian Government has  struggled to  accommodate this  state of affairs with  its  EU integration process guided by the incentive of  the Brussels dialogue  for normalizing relations  between  the two  entities. I study the Brussels  dialogue between  Serbia  and  Kosovo as a  dynamic process  of contestation of meaning.  It is conceptualized  as  a contact zone  that  both enables and constrains the re-articulations  of the constitutive Other, either as  an enemy (through  antagonism) or as an adversary (through agonism). The thesis particularly inquires how the Serbian Government led by the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) since 2012 has re-articulated Kosovo within the Brussels dialogue.  It locates two central moments  in this process: adopting the  Brussels agreement in  2013,  and  re-introducing the  idea  of partitioning Kosovo along ethnic lines as a solution to the  Kosovo-Serbia dispute in 2018, both of which are understood  as myths. The theoretical and methodological  contribution of the thesis  lies  in the re-conceptualization of “myth”. While  existing studies of myth in the context of  Kosovo-Serbia relations  have been  focusing on the Kosovo myth, this  thesis  considers  the Kosovo myth  as a sedimented discourse, guided by a discourse theoretical lens. This discourse has  turned into a social imaginary in Serbia,  a horizon of meaning that defines and constrains what is said, felt, and otherwise practiced concerning Kosovo. The social imaginary structures  the “Kosovo is  Serbia” discourse based  on  Serbia’s physical and symbolic claim to Kosovo, which is deeply rooted in  the political and cultural  life in Serbia. In 2018, it  was re-articulated into the idea of partition for  Serbia  to retain its  claim to  Kosovo. Making  a  claim to  only  a portion of the  territory, Northern Kosovo, the partition leaves outside of  contestation the “mythologically” laden central and Southern Kosovo where the sites that embody the  Kosovo myth,  the Serbian  medieval monasteries, are located. A deconstructive  reading of the Kosovo  myth  developed in this  thesis  reveals that the main discursive element that connects the Kosovo myth,  the  Kosovo social imaginary, and the idea of partition is territoriality.