Belgrade and Pristina have to implement everything that has so far been agreed, the EU and US special envoys for the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajčak and Gabriel Escobar said in Belgrade on Thursday, adding that both sides knew what they had not fulfilled.

At the joint news conference at the end of their visit to Belgrade, Lajčak stated that he was “quite optimistic” regarding the resumption of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue at the top level.

“(Serbian President Aleksandar) Vučić and (Kosovo Premier Albin) Kurti realise how important dialogue is and they said they would come to Brussels when they are invited,” said the EU special envoy.

Asked about the holding of Serbian elections in Kosovo, Lajčak said that the EU and the US believed that all citizens had to be able to participate in democratic processes and that consensus should be reached about the modalities for it.

Escobar said the US believed that “all citizens in the region should vote freely and easily, regardless of where they live.” As for the forming of the Community of Serb Municipalities, Escobar said that the two sides had to reach an agreement on that.

Lajčak and Escobar arrived in Belgrade on Wednesday from Priština. On the same evening, they met with Serbian president Vučić and on Thursday with PM Ana Brnabič, parliament speaker Ivica Dačić and representatives of the Serbian opposition.

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