Beta, 10.06.2020.

Kosovo Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti said on Wednesday that he would head Pristina’s team to the dialogue to normalize relations with Belgrade.

Hoti told members of the Kosovo Academy of Arts and Science that his cabinet has adopted a platform for the dialogue. “We have adopted a framework for the dialogue within our coalition and have informed the opposition. What everyone should know is that the declaration of independence is a permanent process which is not negotiable. There have been situations when the leaders in the process did not see that clearly,” he said. Hoti said a team of experts would be formed by his cabinet and that he would call parliament to form a commission for the dialogue.

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci said that the government would resume the dialogue very soon because “Serbia no longer has an excuse to delay it” after the reciprocal measures were revoked.

The Prime Minister said that territorial integrity is not negotiable and added that an agreement has to stick to the spirit of the Kosovo Constitution which is not part of the negotiations.

According to Hoti, the goal of the dialogue is permanent mutual recognition, not the two Germanys model, followed by UN membership and recognition by the five European Union member states that have not recognized Kosovo.