16 NËNTOR 2021, 09:26POLITICS


Negotiation teams from Kosovo and Serbia will meet today in Brussels. According to EU officials, the meeting will discuss the implementation of agreements reached so far and all pending issues.


Meanwhile, the prime minister of Kosovo’s office said in a statement that “the topics of this bilateral meeting include the issue of people who have disappeared during the war, energy and free movement”, while “the date for a possible high level meeting depends on what the technical teams agree”.


The office for Kosovo at the Serbian government says the main topic which will be discussed during this meeting will be the Association of Serbian Municipalities.


Meanwhile, Pristina is against granting executive powers to the Association of Serbian Municipalities. A few days ago, Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti said during an interview for DW that “Kosovo’s Constitution does not permit a mono-ethnic Association” and according to him, at the time when the agreement was voted in parliament, Kosovo lawmakers were under immense pressure and that there’s been a lack of transparency on this issue.


On the other hand, Serbian president, Aleksandar Vucic says “Kosovo must establish the Association as per the agreement reached in Brussels”.


Nevertheless, the EU official who facilitates dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia has often urged the two sides to negotiate a comprehensive agreement where all issues are addressed.