By EWB14.03.2019

BELGRADE – Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament and Rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister said yesterday that EU intends to remain the mediator in Belgrade -Pristina dialogue, adding it makes sense involving Russia and US in political debate on this matter.

“It makes sense involving other Security Council members, Russia and US in political debate on further steps in the dialogue. This has always been EU policy and EU will continue to discuss on this matter with other states beyond the EU”, McAllister pointed out.

After the announcement made by the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini about the role of Security Council of UN in the finalization of an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, McAllister argued that EU has been a mediator in the dialogue so far and it plans to continue with that job.

According to him, Belgrade and Pristina have to return to negotiating table in Brussels as soon as possible.

“What we want to see is a sustainable solution, suitable for both parties”, reiterated David McAllister.