Izvor: Shutterstock


After the three-month-long break in discussing Kosovo at the UN Security Council’s meetings, this month the topic goes back to the agenda under the China’s presidency, the Beta news agency reported, citing its sources at the UN.

The Council’s November 14 meeting will debate the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ report on the work of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK).

During the previous three months when the UK, US and Bolivia held the rotating presidency, Kosovo was not on the agenda.

Many Western countries believe that the debate on the issue should not be held that often.

In the report Guterres had prepared for the August meeting which did not take place, the Secretary-General welcomed the continuation of the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue, though there had been no progress in the talks.

The report, covering the period between April 16 and July 15, said that Guterres was concerned that after six months there was no progress in the investigation into the assassination of a Kosovo Serb leader Oliver Ivanovic and appealed to Kosovo’s authorities to use all available means to solve the murder.

Guterres then said that an overall situation in Kosovo was stable compared to the previous period when many incidents were reported.

In the meantime, the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue is on hold and without any sign on when it could resume, Kosovo prepares the transformation of its Security Force into an army, the move Belgrade strongly opposes, and some ethnically-based incidents have been reported on both side.