Serbian-Albanian Dialogue2020-08-27T08:38:00+02:00

This part of the site contains a database of media texts on the Serbian-Albanian dialogue from 2018 to 2020 in Serbian and English. The Serbian-Albanian dialogue refers to negotiations between officials of Serbia, Kosovo and the international community regarding the solution of the Kosovo issue.

609, 2018

Kosovo-Serbia talks: Why land swap could bridge divide

By Guy Delauney BBC News, Balkans correspondent,  6 September 2018 Share this with Facebook Share this with Messenger Share this with Twitter Share this with Email Share this with Facebook Share this with WhatsApp Share

509, 2018

Tači: Neće biti podele i otcepljenja Severa, pregovaraćemo o demarkaciji

RTV Kim, 5. septembra 2018. 12:28 Kosovski predsednik Hašim Tači poručio je danas u Prištini da neće dozvoliti razmenu teritorija, podelu ili stvaranje Republike Srpske na Kosovu. Na okruglom stolu „Šta znači korekcija granice

409, 2018

How to Restart War in the Balkans

The Trump administration will regret looking for simple solutions to Eastern Europe's territorial disputes. By Edward P. Joseph| September 4, 2018  “We don’t have a dog in that fight.” James Baker, U.S. secretary of

309, 2018

US-backed Kosovo land-swap border plan under fire from all sides

Deal on exchange of territory could pave way for settlement between Belgrade and Pristina Shaun Walker in Skopje and Andrew MacDowall in Sarajevo Mon 3 Sep 2018 A US-backed land-swap plan to redraw the

309, 2018

Svekosovski front protiv Hashima Thacija

Dio stranaka vladajuće koalicije, opozicija, civilno društvo, mediji i ogromna većina građana protive se ideji predsjednika o korigiranju granica Kosova. Septembar 2018. Fahri Musliu Finalna faza pregovora Beograda i Prištine o budućnosti Kosova je

3108, 2018

Europe struggles with new Balkan headache

EU governments don’t much like Kosovo border plan — but they’re reluctant to scupper it. By Andrew Gray and Jacopo Barigazzi 8/31/18 This one is not on the scale of the predicament the EU

3108, 2018

Veber: Berlin čvrsto protiv razmjene teritorija

Anila Shuka, Svetozar Savić, 31.08.2018. Ne prestaje da se priča o promjeni granica ili razmjeni teritorija na Balkanu. Ako do toga dođe, Berlin će stopirati pristupanje Srbije, ali i Kosova Evropskoj uniji, uvjeren je

2908, 2018

Opposition Demands Vote to ‘Protect Kosovo’s Territory’

Die Morina BIRN Pristina 29 Aug 18 Kosovo opposition parties have called for an extraordinary parliamentary session on September 4 to put a resolution to a vote which they say will protect the country’s

2808, 2018

Serbia and Kosovo May Be Ready to End Their Feud

The two countries could agree to redraw their border, which could ease the way toward EU membership. By Leonid Bershidsky , ‎August‎ ‎28‎, ‎2018‎ ‎   An agreement between Serbia and Kosovo to settle

2808, 2018

Redrawing Balkan borders would be a fatal mistake

I made a personal plea to the presidents of Serbia and Kosovo — but it fell on deaf ears. By Adnan Ćerimagić, 8/28/18   On a stage with the presidents of Kosovo and

2808, 2018

Kosovo’s Constitution Rules out the Land Swap

Kosovo’s former President Fatmir Sejdiu told BIRN that redrawing the country’s borders in a deal with Serbia would contravene the constitution and could spark trouble across the Balkan region. Perparim Isufi BIRN Pristina, 28/8/2018/

2808, 2018

The Brief – Changing borders in Europe???

By Georgi Gotev with Alexandra Brzozowski |  ‎Aug‎ ‎28‎, ‎2018 It’s amazing that the European Commission envisages land swaps to settle Kosovo-Serbia relations. Neighbourhood Commissioner Johannes Hahn said it’s a bilateral solution which should

2708, 2018

Thaçi: Kosovo’s EU future elusive without agreement with Serbia

Nikola Burazer, 27.08.2018 EWB Interview with Hashim Thaçi, President of Kosovo. The interview comes at the time of widespread discussion about the agreement on comprehensive normalization of relations, and the possibility of territorial exchanges

2708, 2018

Serbia, Kosovo presidents broach border changes for historic deal

Balkan leaders seek to calm fears that plan could reignite ethnic violence. By Andrew Gray and Ryan Heath Updated 8/27/18 ALPBACH, Austria — The presidents of Serbia and Kosovo made clear on Saturday they

2408, 2018

Bolton Says U.S. Won’t Oppose Kosovo-Serbia Land Swap Deal

August 24, 2018 12:56 GMT KYIV -- White House national-security adviser John Bolton has said that the United States would not oppose a territorial exchange between Kosovo and Serbia to resolve their long-running dispute

2308, 2018

A Balkan border change the West should welcome

Despite the risks, a land swap between Kosovo and Serbia could benefit both countries and the EU. By Marko Prelec, 8/23/18 Europe has an intense and understandable fear of changing national boundaries. But discussions

2208, 2018

Could land swap between Serbia and Kosovo lead to conflict?

Critics claim potential border settlement on ethnic lines sets dangerous Balkan precedent Andrew MacDowall in Tirana,Wed 22 Aug 2018 It could be a deal to bring lasting settlement, prosperity and European integration to the

1608, 2018

Serbia eyes Kosovo border review, opposed by Merkel

By Julija Simić |  16.08.2018. Serbia’s political life is heating up in August as discussions about its relations with Kosovo have reached frantic speed, varying from a possible partition of its former province

1408, 2018

Kosovo president says wants to “correct” border with Serbia

Fatos Bytyci, August 14, 2018 /Reuters PRISTINA (Reuters) - A redrawing of the border to bring parts of Serbia with a majority Albanian population into Kosovo could end persistent tensions between Belgrade and Pristina

1308, 2018

Angela Merkel: No Balkan border changes

Chancellor acts to squash talk of Kosovo partition, which would carry risk of violence across region. By Andrew Gray, 8/13/18, 7:27 PM CET   German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday rejected any changes to

708, 2018

Kosovo-Serbia deal: addressing the fears By Bekim Collaku, chief of staff to the president of Kosovo,Prishtina, 7. Sep Following the announcement of the third meeting of the final phase of EU-led negotiations, due to take place on in Brussels

708, 2018

EU Urges Serbian and Kosovo Presidents to Meet

After Serbia's President cancelled his planned meeting with his Kosovo counterpart, the EU is planning a new meeting between the two leaders amid a sudden worsening of relations. Maja Zivanovic, Dia Morina BIRN Belgrade, Pristina

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