Srpsko-albanski dijalog2022-05-16T11:15:06+02:00

Ovaj deo sajta sadrži bazu medijskih tekstova o srpsko-albanskom dijalogu od 2018. do 2022. godine na srpskom i engleskom jeziku. Srpsko-albanski dijalog odnosi se na pregovire između zvaničnika Srbije, Kosova i međunarodne zajednice u vezi sa rešenjem kosovskog pitanja.

1805, 2022

Tema: FRONTEX: Western Balkan route is the most active migratory route In its latest report, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, FRONTX says that during the period between January and April, there were about 57 800 irregular entries to the European Union. This is

1805, 2022

Elvira Kovač: Kosovo nije na dnevnom redu Komiteta ministara Saveta Evrope u petak

R. Milenković, 18.05.2022. Aplikacija Kosova za članstvo u Savetu Evrope neće biti tema dnevnog reda sednice Komiteta ministara koja će biti održana u petak 20. maja u Torinu i kojom će predsedavati italijanski ministar

1705, 2022

Borelj se nada sastanku Vučića i Kurtija

IZVOR: TANJUG UTORAK, 17.05.2022. Šef diplomatije EU Žozep Borelj pozvao je na poštovanje i primenu svih do sada postigutih sporazuma u okviru dijaloga Beograda i Prištine. On poziva i na nastavak razgovora pod pokroviteljstvom EU. "Potreban

1205, 2022

Kosovo’s membership in the Council of Europe and the comeback of the Washington Agreement

by Aleksandar Ivković12. 05. 2022. Following the expulsion of Russia from the Council of Europe, the calls for the admission of Kosovo to this international organization began circulating. With the formal application pending, Serbia has

705, 2022

Hasani: Pred Kosovom uslovi za prijem u Savet Evrope, jedan se odnosi i na formiranje ZSO

FoNet17.05.2022. Bivši predsednik kosovskog Ustavnog suda Enver Hasani izjavio je da će za Kosovo uslovi za prijem u Savet Evrope biti sprovođenje odluke o vraćanju imovine manastira Visoki Dečani, formiranje Zajednice srpskih opština (ZSO),

405, 2022

Vučić i Kurti u Berlinu: simbolika u sjeni Ukrajine

Nenad Kreizer, 04.05.2022. Aleksandar Vučić i Albin Kurti dolaze u posjet Olafu Scholzu. Od ovih susreta nitko ne očekuje senzaciju ali Berlin šalje jasan signal: zapadni Balkan nam je i dalje važan i to

405, 2022

Косово, Савет Европе, међународно право, и шта то све значи за Србију

Beogradski medjunarodnopravni krug, Pavle Kilibarda Приштинске власти коначно су се одлучиле да пређу Рубикон и поднесу захтев за чланство у најстаријој европској организацији за заштиту људских права. На основу њихових изјава, али и писања

2904, 2022

N1: Russian ambassador to Serbia says Moscow won’t recognize Kosovo* Author:FoNet29.04.2022 10:00 Russian Ambassador Alexander Botsan Harchenko said that Moscow will not recognize Kosovo, despite claims that President Vladimir Putin has done so. “The unilateral and illegitimate declaration of Kosovo’s independence should not be linked

2804, 2022

EurActiv: Serbian diplomat says Putin recognises Kosovo* Russian President Vladimir Putin citing an International Court of Justice ruling on Kosovo to justify Moscow recognising the independence of Ukrainian breakaway regions Donetsk and Luhansk means he actually recognises Kosovo as an independent

2704, 2022

DA LI SMO SE PREVIŠE KLELI U PUTINA? Hoće li najnovije izjave predsednika Rusije o Kosovu KONAČNO OTREZNITI rusofile u Srbiji: „Zabluda je da su interesi Beograda i Moskve bliski“ Da li smo se previše kleli u Vladimira Putina - pitanje je koje se nameće nakon što je predsednik Rusije u razgovoru sa generalnim sekretarom UN Antonijom Guterešom otvoreno rekao da su Donjecka Narodna

2604, 2022

; Belgrade, Pristina to continue technical dialogue, N1 told Author:N1 Belgrade26.04.2022 11:13 N1 has learned that delegations from Belgrade and Pristina will meet in Brussels later this week for a new round of their technical dialogue. Sources in Brussels said that they hope a

2604, 2022

N1: Vucic, Donfried discuss Brussels, Pristina dialogue Author:N1 Belgrade26.04.2022 19:37 Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic discussed bilateral relations, European integration, the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue ad other topical issues with US assistant Secretary of State Karen Donfried, a presidency press release said on Tuesday. It

2104, 2022

Balkan Insight: Pristina-Belgrade licence plate dispute proves hard to resolve   Milica Stojanovic and Xhorxhina Bami Belgrade, Pristina BIRN April 21, 202207:25 A dispute over vehicle licence plates that sparked a blockade of the Kosovo-Serbia border last year is supposed to be resolved this week, but continuing

2104, 2022

Srbija i Kosovo bez dogovora o registarskim tablicama

april/travanj, 2022. Specijalni predstavnik Evropske unije za dijalog Prištine i Beograda, Miroslav Lajčak je, priznavši da nema dogovora, pozvao obe strane da nastave sa naporima Specijalni predstavnik Evropske unije za dijalog Prištine i Beograda,

2104, 2022

Pregovori Beograda i Prištine: Bez rešenja za registarske tablice

S.P. 21. 4. 2022. Ni šest meseci pregovora nije bilo dovoljno da se Beograd i Priština dogovore oko jednog pitanja – kako će u budućnosti izgledati registarske tablice. Ko je manje konstruktivna strana pokazaće

1904, 2022

EU spokesman Stano confirms Belgrade-Pristina meeting Author:KoSSev19.04.2022 17:50 European Commission spokesman Peter Stano told the KoSSev news portal that working groups from Belgrade and Pristina are scheduled to meet in Brussels on April 20-21 to find a solution for the problem

1804, 2022

ü N1: Kurti says agreement with Serbia based on reciprocity Author:Beta18.04.2022 15:48 Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Monday that Pristina will agree to a solution on vehicle license plates with Serbia only based on reciprocity. Albanian language media in Pristina quoted him as

1804, 2022

Osmani says EU should criticize Serbia for not implementing the agreements 18 PRILL 2022, 19:53KOSOVO & REGION President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani has criticized the European Union, which, according to her, is not making its position clear about the fact that the agreements that Kosovo

1304, 2022

N1: Vucic: Kurti and Djukanovic spreading hate against Serbia Author:N1 Belgrade, Informer13.04.2022 14:52 Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti were spreading “open hatred against Serbs and Serbia”. The pro-regime tabloid Informer said it was

804, 2022

Kurti to Lajcak: Need for document recognition evident N1 Belgrade08.04.2022 20:55 Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Friday that the need for Kosovo and Serbia to recognize each others documents is evident. Kurti said in a Twitter post after meeting with European

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