Dialogu Serbo-Shqiptar2020-08-27T08:42:29+02:00

Kjo pjesë e website-it përmban një databazë shkrimesh në media mbi dialogun Serbo-Shqiptar nga viti 2018 deri në  vitin 2020 në Serbisht dhe Anglisht. Dialogu Serbo-Shqiptar i referohet negociatave midis zyrtarëve të Serbisë, Kosovës dhe komunitetit ndërkombëtar rreth zgjidhjes të çështjes së Kosovës.

1207, 2020

Hoti: Priština u dijalogu radi međusobnog priznanja

Tanjug , 12.07.2020. https://www.blic.rs/vesti/politika/hoti-pristina-u-dijalogu-radi-medusobnog-priznanja/d9ypyxc Premijer privremenih prištinskih institucija Avdulah Hoti kaže da dijalog sa Beogradom nema alternativu, ali ističe da u taj proces Prišština ulazi samo radi međusobnog priznavanja i pune normalizacije odnosa, rekao je

1207, 2020

Samit u Parizu: Usamljena pozicija Srbije

Ana Otašević, 12.07.2020. https://www.danas.rs/politika/demostat/samit-u-parizu-usamljena-pozicija-srbije/ Obnovljeni pregovori Beograda i Prištine pod evropskim šinjelom odvijaju se u uslovima koji ne nagoveštavaju da je rešenje na pomolu. Ideja o razmeni teritorija, kao mogućnost da se postigne trajni sporazum

1107, 2020

Serbia, Kosovo renew talks on most intractable territorial disputes

By admin  July 11, 2020 https://politicaluprise.com/europe/serbia-kosovo-renew-talks-on-most-intractable-territorial-disputes/ Serbia and Kosovo leaders begin the ‘very difficult’ process aimed at resolving their territorial dispute led by French President and German Chancellor. The leaders of Serbia and semi-autonomous Kosovo

1007, 2020

Vucic: Pristina issued an ultimatum presented in several points

Source: B92 Friday, July 10, 2020 https://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2020&mm=07&dd=10&nav_id=108897 The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said that he had a difficult conversation in Paris, and that the Germans and the French would issue a joint statement. He told

1007, 2020

Serbia, Kosovo to resume talks but won’t budge on key issues

By LORNE COOK Associated Press, 10/07/2020 https://www.heraldbulletin.com/news/nation_world/france-germany-lead-effort-to-fire-up-serbia-kosovo-talks/article_2f68c8d4-89e9-56b8-a67f-f4899a4f1a4a.html prev next BRUSSELS (AP) — Serbia and Kosovo agreed Friday to resume long-stalled negotiations on normalizing their strained relations, but both sides refused to budge on key issues

1007, 2020

Kosovo-Serbia Talks in Paris Close Without Results

Milica Stojanovic, Belgrade, BIRN, July 10, 2020 https://balkaninsight.com/2020/07/10/kosovo-serbia-talks-in-paris-close-without-results/ Serbia and Kosovo maintained their previous tough positions at the German-French-hosted virtual forum in Paris, ahead of the official re-start of EU-sponsored talks that were postponed to

1007, 2020

Serbia, Kosovo renew ‘very difficult’ talks led by Macron, Merkel

Aljazeera, 10.07.2020. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/07/serbia-kosovo-renew-difficult-talks-led-macron-merkel-200710095755133.html The leaders of Serbia and Kosovo begin the 'very difficult' process aimed at resolving their territorial dispute. The leaders of Serbia and semi-autonomous Kosovo have held their first talks in 18 months

1007, 2020

Kosovo-Serbia Talks in Paris Close Without Results

Milica Stojanovic, Belgrade, BIRN, July 10, 2020 https://balkaninsight.com/2020/07/10/kosovo-serbia-talks-in-paris-close-without-results/ Serbia and Kosovo maintained their previous tough positions at the German-French-hosted virtual forum in Paris, ahead of the official re-start of EU-sponsored talks that were postponed to

1007, 2020

Kosovo, Serbia To Restart Talks After Video Summit With Merkel, Macron

RFE, July 10, 2020   https://www.rferl.org/a/serbian-kosovar-leaders-to-restart-dialogue-with-video-summit/30717830.html   Kosovo and Serbia have agreed to resume EU-backed normalization talks at a video summit hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. However, statements from

1007, 2020

Serbia-Kosovo talks to restart after summit with Germany, France

DW, 10.07.2020. https://www.dw.com/en/serbia-kosovo-talks-to-restart-after-summit-with-germany-france/a-54134214 After a summit with Germany's Angela Merkel and France's Emmanuel Macron, the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo agreed to resume talks. But their remarks afterwards made it clear that negotiators will face

1007, 2020

My Europe: New departure or same old story for Kosovo and Serbia?

DW, Nenad Pejic, 10.07.2020. https://www.dw.com/en/my-europe-new-departure-or-same-old-story-for-kosovo-and-serbia/a-54131391 The door has been opened to allow new discussions between Serbia and Kosovo on Sunday. But even an agreement means that the next problem could be just around the corner,

1007, 2020

Serbia, Kosovo to resume talks for normalization

Top Serbian and Kosovar politicians to meet in Brussels on Thursday for EU-sponsored talks Ayhan Simsek   | 10.07.2020 https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/serbia-kosovo-to-resume-talks-for-normalization/1906292 Serbia and Kosova have agreed to resume EU-sponsored talks for normalization, leaders of Germany and

1007, 2020

What to expect of the renewed Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue?

By Aleksandar Ivković, 10.07.2020 https://europeanwesternbalkans.com/2020/07/10/what-to-expect-of-the-renewed-belgrade-pristina-dialogue/ Only a couple of weeks ago, it seemed that the United States has the initiative in the process of the normalisation of relations between Serbia and Kosovo. In just several

907, 2020

Vučić: U nedelju zvanično nastavak dijaloga Beograd-Priština

BETAPOLITIKA | 09.07.2020 https://beta.rs/vesti/politika-vesti-srbija/130109-vucic-u-nedelju-zvanicno-nastavak-dijaloga-beograd-pristina Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić, koji je danas doputovao u dvodnevnu posetu Francuskoj, izjavio je uoči sastanka sa predsednikom Emanuelom Makronom (Emmanuel Macron) da se u nedelju, 12. jula zvanično nastavlja dijalog

807, 2020

Grenell: New ideas needed to make progress on Kosovo

Author: N1 Belgrade 08.07.2020. http://rs.n1info.com/English/NEWS/a617662/Grenell-New-ideas-needed-to-make-progress-on-Kosovo.html The US President’s envoy for the dialogue on Kosovo, Ambassador Richard Grenell on Wednesday expressed satisfaction with the coming meeting between officials from Belgrade and Pristina and added that new

707, 2020

Kosovo PM says France committed to supporting Pristina

Author: N1 Belgrade, 07.07.2020. http://rs.n1info.com/English/NEWS/a617428/Kosovo-PM-says-France-committed-to-supporting-Pristina.html Kosovo Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti said after meeting French President Emmanuel Macron that Paris remains committed to supporting Kosovo in the dialogue with Serbia. “France remains committed to support Kosovo

707, 2020

Kosovo: a hasty rotation of power

By Andrea Lorenzo Capussela, 07.07.2020 https://europeanwesternbalkans.com/2020/07/07/kosovo-a-hasty-rotation-of-power/ ‘Aurea prima sata est aetas, quae vindice nullo, / sponte sua, sine lege fidem rectumque colebat.’ Without laws or judges, Ovid says, during the Golden Age ‘rectitude spontaneous in the heart

607, 2020

Merkel and Macron to host a Serbia-Kosovo Summit on Friday

By EWB06.07.2020 https://europeanwesternbalkans.com/2020/07/06/merkel-and-macron-to-host-a-serbia-kosovo-summit-on-friday/ PARIS – Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel and President of France Emmanuel Macron will host a meeting between President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić and Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti on Friday,

607, 2020

Stalled Serbia-Kosovo Dialogue Set to Resume in July

Xhorxhina Bami, Pristina, BIRN, July 6, 2020 https://balkaninsight.com/2020/07/06/stalled-serbia-kosovo-dialogue-set-to-resume-in-july/ Serbia-Kosovo talks are set to resume with a Franco-German-hosted virtual summit on July 10 followed by a meeting between Kosovo PM Avdullah Hoti and Serbian President Aleksandar

307, 2020

Vejvoda: Grenell’s action woke up the EU, it became more active in relation to Kosovo

By EWB03.07.2020 https://europeanwesternbalkans.com/2020/07/03/vejvoda-grenells-action-woke-up-the-eu-it-became-more-active-in-relation-to-kosovo/ BELGRADE – Permanent Fellow of the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna Ivan Vejvoda, said in an interview with the Voice of America that the departure of Kosovo President Hashim Thaçi from

307, 2020

DW: Zapadni Balkan ima ogromna OČEKIVANJA od Berlina, koja ni u teoriji NE MOGU DA SE ISPUNE

Tanjug, 03.07.2020. https://www.blic.rs/vesti/politika/dw-zapadni-balkan-ima-ogromna-ocekivanja-od-berlina-koja-ni-u-teoriji-ne-mogu-da-se/kepndbt U nemačko predsedavanje Evropskom unijom polažu se velike nade, između ostalog i na Zapadnom Balkanu, gde se očekuje podrška za proces proširenja. Kako piše "Dojče vele", nemačka kancelarka Angela Merkel jasno je

207, 2020

Palmer: US and EU are not rivals in the Western Balkans

By EWB 02.07.2020 https://europeanwesternbalkans.com/2020/07/02/palmer-us-and-eu-are-not-rivals-in-the-western-balkans/ BELGRADE – US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Palmer and the EU Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajčak said that the US and the EU are not rivals and

207, 2020

An unexpected pole position: The EU in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue

By Andreas Wittkowsky 02-07-2020 https://www.euractiv.com/section/enlargement/opinion/an-unexpected-pole-position-the-eu-in-the-kosovo-serbia-dialogue/ To almost everybody’s surprise, the EU just regained the pole position in the dialogue between Prishtina and Belgrade. But is the bloc sufficiently prepared for the race, asks Andreas Wittkowsky.

107, 2020

Trump Administration’s Bet on Kosovo’s Thaci Fails to Pay Off

Dean B. Pineles, Washington DC, July 1, 2020 https://balkaninsight.com/2020/07/01/trump-administrations-bet-on-kosovos-thaci-fails-to-pay-off/ The White House’s envoy for Kosovo-Serbia dialogue hoped to rush both countries’ leaders into a deal and score a win for Donald Trump - but the

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