Serbian-Albanian Dialogue2020-08-27T08:38:00+02:00

This part of the site contains a database of media texts on the Serbian-Albanian dialogue from 2018 to 2020 in Serbian and English. The Serbian-Albanian dialogue refers to negotiations between officials of Serbia, Kosovo and the international community regarding the solution of the Kosovo issue.

1105, 2020

SAD o učešću Rusije u dijalogu: Dobrodošao je svako ko će pomoći Srbiji i Kosovu

POLITIKA | 11.05.2020 23:25 > 11.05 23:25   Portparol specijalnog izaslanika američkog predsednika za pregovore Srbije i Kosova Ričarda Grenela izjavio je povodom mogućnosti uključivanja Rusije u dijalog Beograda i Prištine da je dobrodošao

1105, 2020

SAD o učešću Rusije u dijalogu: Dobrodošao je svako ko će pomoći Srbiji i Kosovu

POLITIKA | 11.05.2020 23:25 > 11.05 23:25   Portparol specijalnog izaslanika američkog predsednika za pregovore Srbije i Kosova Ričarda Grenela izjavio je povodom mogućnosti uključivanja Rusije u dijalog Beograda i Prištine da je dobrodošao

3004, 2020

Why Serbia’s President Vucic chose Richard Grenell over Angela Merkel

By Filip Milacic Although EU membership is Serbia’s official foreign policy goal, Russia and China – and perhaps the USA in the future – are providing something that is much more valuable for the

3004, 2020

Why Serbia’s President Vucic chose Richard Grenell over Angela Merkel

By Filip Milacic 30-04-2020 Although EU membership is Serbia’s official foreign policy goal, Russia and China – and perhaps the USA in the future – are providing something that is much more valuable for

3004, 2020

Borrell: “Status quo” in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue unsustainable

Source: Tanjug Thursday, April 30, 2020 EU Foreign Minister Josep Borrell says that "status quo" situation in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is unsustainable. He said that he is looking forward to a swift resumption of the

2404, 2020

Guteres: Ukloniti prepreke za dijalog Beograda i Prištine NјUJORK - Generalni sekretar Ujedinjenih nacija (UN) Antonio Guteres ocenio je da su institucionalne reforme i nastavak procesa normalizacije odnosa Beograda i Prištine glavna očekivanja međunarodne zajednice kada je reč o Kosovu i pozvao

2404, 2020

Гутерес: Уклонити препреке за дијалог Београда и Приштине

петак, 24.04.2020. ЊУЈОРК - Генерални секретар Уједињених нација (УН) Антонио Гутерес оценио је да су институционалне реформе и наставак процеса нормализације односа Београда и Приштине главна очекивања међународне заједнице када је реч о Косову

2304, 2020

‘In the Balkans, if You Neglect History, It Will Backfire’

The acting prime minister of Kosovo says the United States helped bring down his government. By Amy Mackinnon The government of Kosovo became the first to collapse in the face of the coronavirus pandemic on

2304, 2020

Kosovo President Gives LDK Mandate to Form Government

Xhorxhina Bami, Pristina, BIRN, April 23, 2020 President Thaci on Thursday handed a mandate to form a new government to the Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, which has already chosen former Second Deputy PM

2304, 2020

‘In the Balkans, if You Neglect History, It Will Backfire’

The acting prime minister of Kosovo says the United States helped bring down his government. By Amy Mackinnon | April 23, 2020 The government of Kosovo became the first to collapse in the face

2204, 2020

Kosovo Closer to Getting new LDK-AAK Government

Perparim Isufi, Pristina, BIRN Almost a month after Albin Kurti’s administration was toppled in a no-confidence vote, Isa Mustafa and Ramush Haradinaj on Wednesday moved ahead with plans to form a new coalition government.

2204, 2020

Kosovo President Gives LDK Mandate to Form Government

Xhorxhina Bami, Pristina, BIRN President Thaci on Thursday handed a mandate to form a new government to the Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, which has already chosen former Second Deputy PM Avdullah Hoti for

2204, 2020

Kosovo Closer to Getting new LDK-AAK Government

Perparim Isufi, Pristina, BIRN, April 22, 2020 Almost a month after Albin Kurti’s administration was toppled in a no-confidence vote, Isa Mustafa and Ramush Haradinaj on Wednesday moved ahead with plans to form a

2204, 2020

Kosovo Closer to Getting new LDK-AAK Government

Perparim Isufi, Pristina, BIRN, April 22, 2020 Almost a month after Albin Kurti’s administration was toppled in a no-confidence vote, Isa Mustafa and Ramush Haradinaj on Wednesday moved ahead with plans to form a

2004, 2020

Kurti: Grenel direktno uključen u političku krizu na Kosovu Žalosno da je ambasador Grenel stao na stranu korumpiranih političara: Aljbin Kurti Specijalni izaslanik američkog predsednika za dijalog Kosova i Srbije, ambasador Ričard Grenel (Richard Grenell) direktno je uključen u aktuelnu političku krizu na

2004, 2020

Kosovan acting PM accuses Trump envoy of meddling

Albin Kurti claims Richard Grenell involved in pushing for vote that collapsed government Shaun Walker Central and eastern Europe correspondent, Mon 20 Apr 2020 Kosovo’s caretaker prime minister, Albin Kurti, has launched a stinging

2004, 2020

Kurti: Grenel direktno uključen u političku krizu na Kosovu

april/travanj, 2020. Amra Zejneli Loxha Žalosno da je ambasador Grenel stao na stranu korumpiranih političara: Aljbin Kurti Specijalni izaslanik američkog predsednika za dijalog Kosova i Srbije, ambasador Ričard Grenel (Richard Grenell) direktno je uključen

1604, 2020

Pandemic Adds Fresh Uncertainty to Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue

Perparim Isufi, Pristina, BIRN As Kosovo leaders wrestle for control over stalled talks with Serbia, analysts see no room for the dialogue process to resume until the COVID-19 outbreak is over. While all eyes

1604, 2020

Pandemic Adds Fresh Uncertainty to Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue

Perparim Isufi, Pristina, BIRN, April 16, 2020 As Kosovo leaders wrestle for control over stalled talks with Serbia, analysts see no room for the dialogue process to resume until the COVID-19 outbreak is over.

1404, 2020

Dva člana Kongresa SAD: Zašto nema sankcija za Srbiju?

Autor:Nova 14. Apr. 2020 Kongresmen Eliot Engel, predsedavajući Odbora za spoljnopolitička pitanja i senator Bob Menendez, najviše rangirani demokrata u istom odboru u Senatu, pozvali su Trampovu administraciju da nastavi diplomatsku podršku rešenju konflikta

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