Serbian-Albanian Dialogue2020-08-27T08:38:00+02:00

This part of the site contains a database of media texts on the Serbian-Albanian dialogue from 2018 to 2020 in Serbian and English. The Serbian-Albanian dialogue refers to negotiations between officials of Serbia, Kosovo and the international community regarding the solution of the Kosovo issue.

1710, 2019

Serbian president issues veiled threat over Kosovo

By DUSAN STOJANOVICOctober 17, 2018   BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — A U.S. call for the withdrawal of a UN peacekeeping mission from Kosovo would leave Serbia no choice but to “protect” its people in the

1110, 2019

Ratno krilo Kosova ostalo bez krila

Fahri Musliu, 11.10.2019. Pobjeda opozicije na parlamentarnim izborima na Kosovu označila je kraj vladavine 'ratnog krila' koje je na vlasti bilo više od 12 godina. Na Kosovu se šestog oktobra desio zemljotres. Po prvi

910, 2019

Kosovo Election Winners Seek Coalition Agreement

Perparim Isufi, Pristina,BIRN, October 9, 2019 Leaders of the two parties that did best in the weekend Kosovo elections have both signalled their interest in forming a coalition government. The two former opposition parties

810, 2019

‘New chapter’: What a left-wing victory means for Kosovo

Self Determination Movement won snap polls against backdrop of Kosovo's sour relations with Serbia and corruption. by Eraldin Fazliu, 8 Oct 2019 Pristina, Kosovo - The left-wing Vetevendosje, or Self Determination Movement party, won

410, 2019

Izbori na Kosovu: Dolazi kraj vladavini ‘ratnog krila’

Dosadašnje vlade stvorile su nefunkcionalnu partijsku državu, u kojoj cvjetaju korupcija, nepotizam, kriminal, pljačka i nezaposlenost. Fahri Musliu, 4. Oktobar 2019. Prevremeni parlamentarni izboru na Kosovu održavaju se u trenutku kada se Kosovo, kao

1909, 2019

Palmer Has Chance to Revive US Leadership in Balkans

Bruce Hitchner, Massachusetts, BIRN, September 19, 2019 The appointment of a new Balkan envoy is an opportunity for the US to rebuild its partnership with the European Union on the region – which should

908, 2019

Kosovo – Albania – North Macedonia 2019: Ljubljana/Tirana, 9 September 2019 In anticipation of the collapse of the Thaçi-Rama conjoined regimes? The Western Balkans has been the epicentre of instability in recent years. Global geopolitical changes have shaken this restless region

208, 2019

Division lines, and the connecting points in them (IBM)

Published at: 2019-08-02 Author: Kozeta Dervishi Within the technical dialogue facilitated by the European Union, in December 2011, Kosovo and Serbia reached the Agreement on Integrated Border Management, known by the acronym IBM. The

1907, 2019

Širi kontekst tehničkog dijaloga Beograda i Prištine

Aleksandar Kovačević, 19. 07. 2019. Gotovo 60 godina pregovora između različitih lokalnih uprava na teritoriji bivše Jugoslavije o teritorijalnim uticajima i infrastrukturi su relevantno iskustvo za tehnički dijalog između Prištine i Beograda. Najznačajnija poruka

305, 2019

What to expect when you are not expecting

By Donika Emini, 03.05.2019 This opinion piece was originally published at Prishtina Insight.  The Berlin Summit reflected a major division among the Western partners on the Kosovo Serbia issue, while lack of coordination between

205, 2019

Kocijančič: Mogherini ready to organise new meeting within the dialogue framework

By EWB02.05.2019 BRUSSELS –  Berlin meeting of the Western Balkans leaders was a contribution, but the EU will continue to mediate in Belgrade Pristina Dialogue, said the spokesperson of the European Union Maja Kocijančič, reports Radio Free

105, 2019

Why is the EU punching below its weight in the Western Balkans?

The EU has the leverage to resolve major Balkan issues, such as the Serbia-Kosovo dispute. Why is it holding back? 1 May 2019'They took him from my hands': Kosovo War massacre rememberedlast week 20

3004, 2019

Serbia, Kosovo agree to talks following Berlin summit

30.04.2019.   A Balkan summit in Berlin has ended with Serbia and Kosovo agreeing to work together to diffuse existing tensions. Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron had hoped to restart a

3004, 2019

Kosovo and Serbia agree to resume talks after Macron, Merkel push with AFP, ‎Apr‎ ‎30‎, ‎2019 Kosovo and Serbia have agreed at a summit in Berlin to resume talks, after the leaders of France and Germany warned the bitter foes that resolving their dispute was

3004, 2019

Višečasovni samit u Berlinu bez konkretnih rešenja, nova runda razgovora u Parizu

Piše EWB, 30. 04. 2019. BERLIN – Višečasovni samit lidera Zapadnog Balkana, organizovan na inicijativu francuskog predsednika Emanuela Makrona i nemačke kancelarke Angele Merkel završen je sinoć u kasne sate. Novi sastanak, gde će

3004, 2019

Merkel’s office issues statement after Berlin meeting

The official website of the German chancellor has published a statement from Monday's gathering in Berlin. Source: Tanjug Tuesday, April 30, 2019 According to it, Belgrade and Pristina "agreed to press ahead with their efforts

2904, 2019

France and Germany pour cold water on Balkan hopes for immediate EU accession

Valerie Hopkins in Vienna 29 April 2019   60ee53e6681d?accessToken=zwAAAWpuX0MQkc8MjhQCap8R6dOAx2DuU-ZoHQ.MEUCIQCvMZBTcZRYpge3_OcFLDf-kOE9Jx5wLhaK_6cyrx_f6AIgaxTnNKSXv--DVHDcOdPQgRwcxBmONHhZ9N21WpPcE5c&sharetype=gift?token=a64e081a-cba5-4867-b2d3-e3834df450a4   Merkel and Macron tell 6 aspirant nations to pursue political stability German chancellor Angela Merkel and French president Emmanuel Macron have suggested to six

2904, 2019

Macron and Merkel try to resurrect Serbia-Kosovo talks at Berlin summit with AFP 29-04-2019 European leaders will try to bring bitter foes Serbia and Kosovo back to the negotiating table at a regional summit in Berlin on Monday (29 April), hoping to reboot a

2804, 2019

Bajer: Srbija i Kosovo da pokažu volju za napretkom ili se EU perspektiva odlaže

Piše EWB, 28. 04. 2019. BERLIN – Poslanik nemačkog Bundestaga i izvestilac za zapadni Balkan Peter Bajer od današnjeg samita zemalja Zapadnog Balkana u Berlinu očekuje odgovorno i konstruktivno ponašanje i fokus na izvorni sadržaj i okvire

2604, 2019

Neuspešni mentor – EULEX jedanaest godina kasnije

Piše Vukašin Živković, 26. 04. 2019. PRIŠTINA – Ne veruju mu Srbi, ne veruju Albanci, a ne veruje ni međunarodna zajednica – ovako ukratko izgleda sudbina misije EULEX nakon jedanaest godina koliko je prisutna

2504, 2019

Obrazovanje je zanemaren, ali životno važan aspekt normalizacije odnosa sa Kosovom

Piše Sofija Popović, 25. 04. 2019. BEOGRAD – Na Kosovu postoje dva paralelna sistema na nivou osnovnog, srednjeg i visokog obrazovanja, čije funkcionisanje je uslovljeno trenutnom političkom situacijom, i gde je neophodno postići trajno

2304, 2019

“Both Belgrade and Pristina to come under great pressure”

Both Belgrade and Pristina will be under tremendous pressure at the upcoming meeting in Berlin, as the EU has an ambitious Kosovo plan, Vecernje Novosti writes. Vecernje novosti, Tuesday, April 23, 2019 | According

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