Srpsko-albanski dijalog2022-05-16T11:15:06+02:00

Ovaj deo sajta sadrži bazu medijskih tekstova o srpsko-albanskom dijalogu od 2018. do 2022. godine na srpskom i engleskom jeziku. Srpsko-albanski dijalog odnosi se na pregovire između zvaničnika Srbije, Kosova i međunarodne zajednice u vezi sa rešenjem kosovskog pitanja.

110, 2018

UN SC to discuss Kosovo in November after 3-month pause

Izvor: Shutterstock After the three-month-long break in discussing Kosovo at the UN Security Council’s meetings, this month the topic goes back to the agenda under the China’s presidency, the Beta news agency reported, citing

2709, 2018

EU replies to „when and what kind“ of solution is possible

The solution to the Kosovo issue, which implies change of borders, is possible only if the EU and the UNSC agree on it, beside Belgrade and Pristina.   Tanjug,  September 27, 2018 This has

2609, 2018

Breaking old habits in the Balkans

Robert Cooper, 26th September, 2018 “An intellectual hatred is the worst”, says W B Yeats, “So let her think opinions are accursed.” That’s what I used to think when I was involved in diplomacy

1709, 2018

For a peaceful border correction between Kosovo and Serbia

By Hashim Thaçi , 17-09-2018 The peaceful border correction with Serbia is an opportunity for mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia that should not be missed, writes Hashim Thaçi, the President of Kosovo. I

1709, 2018

Kosovo-Serbia Deal – Saving Faces or Saving Borders?

Gëzim Krasniqi BIRN, 17 Sep 18 2018-09-17 16:10:49 The contradictory reactions to proposals to resolve the Kosovo issue through border changes has exposed the international community’s confusion over what its priorities are. Recent announcements

1709, 2018

Thaçi: Without border correction, there will be no recognition from Serbia

By EWB17.09.2018 PRISTINA – In an op-ed, originally published on his official website, President of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi once again argued that border correction between his country and Serbia is necessary, because it is the

1309, 2018

Serbian President says he wants EU membership guarantee as part of Kosovo deal Ivana Sekularac, September 13, 2018 BELGRADE (Reuters) - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he would seek a guarantee that his country would join the European Union in 2025 as part of any deal with

1309, 2018

Kosovo-president-calls-for-political-unity-on-Serbia’s-talks's-talks Florent Bajrami and Llazar Semini, 13. 09. 2018. FLORENT BAJRAMI AND LLAZAR SEMINI Sep. 13, 2018 Kosovo president calls for political unity on Serbia’s talks By FLORENT BAJRAMI AND LLAZAR SEMINI Sep. 13, 2018

1309, 2018

An Offensive Plan for the Balkans That the U.S. Should Get Behind

A Kosovo-Serbia land swap would be peaceful ethnic cleansing. But at least it would bring peace. By Charles A. Kupchan Sept. 13, 2018 The Balkans remains in strategic limbo. Kosovo declared independence from Serbia

1109, 2018

McAllister: Vučić and Thaçi have raised the normalisation to the “next level”

By EWB11.09.2018 BRUSSELS – Chair of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs and rapporteur on Serbia David McAllister said that it is currently impossible to predict either the content or the date for reaching

1109, 2018

Kosovo hopes for a deal with Serbia by spring

September 11, 2018   BLED, Slovenia (Reuters) - Kosovo expects to reach a deal with Serbia which will enable both countries to progress toward joining the European Union by next spring at the latest,

1009, 2018

Serbia’s Vucic says long road ahead in talks with Kosovo with Reuters ‎Sep‎ ‎10‎, ‎2018 Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić pledged to continue talks with Kosovo officials to resolve differences but warned it would take a long time to reach a broad deal with Pristina

1009, 2018

Tači: Na kraju dijaloga medjusobno priznanje i učlanjenje Kosova u EU, NATO i UN

10.09.2018 BETA Predsednik Kosova Hašim Tači ocenio je u intervjuu agenciji Beta da će rezultat konačnog pravno obavezujućeg sporazuma o normalizaciji odnosa izmedju Kosova i Srbije biti medjusobnom priznanje, učlanjenje Kosova u EU, NATO

709, 2018

Kosovo and Serbia need wide consensus to resolve conflict, expert says

By Karolina Zbytniewska |, Sep‎ ‎07‎, ‎2018 The presidents of Kosovo and Serbia have floated the idea of a land swap to settle their disputes. The proposal, involving the predominantly Serb northern Kosovo and

609, 2018

Kosovo-Serbia talks: Why land swap could bridge divide

By Guy Delauney BBC News, Balkans correspondent,  6 September 2018 Share this with Facebook Share this with Messenger Share this with Twitter Share this with Email Share this with Facebook Share this with WhatsApp Share

509, 2018

Tači: Neće biti podele i otcepljenja Severa, pregovaraćemo o demarkaciji

RTV Kim, 5. septembra 2018. 12:28 Kosovski predsednik Hašim Tači poručio je danas u Prištini da neće dozvoliti razmenu teritorija, podelu ili stvaranje Republike Srpske na Kosovu. Na okruglom stolu „Šta znači korekcija granice

409, 2018

How to Restart War in the Balkans

The Trump administration will regret looking for simple solutions to Eastern Europe's territorial disputes. By Edward P. Joseph| September 4, 2018  “We don’t have a dog in that fight.” James Baker, U.S. secretary of

309, 2018

US-backed Kosovo land-swap border plan under fire from all sides

Deal on exchange of territory could pave way for settlement between Belgrade and Pristina Shaun Walker in Skopje and Andrew MacDowall in Sarajevo Mon 3 Sep 2018 A US-backed land-swap plan to redraw the

309, 2018

Svekosovski front protiv Hashima Thacija

Dio stranaka vladajuće koalicije, opozicija, civilno društvo, mediji i ogromna većina građana protive se ideji predsjednika o korigiranju granica Kosova. Septembar 2018. Fahri Musliu Finalna faza pregovora Beograda i Prištine o budućnosti Kosova je

3108, 2018

Europe struggles with new Balkan headache

EU governments don’t much like Kosovo border plan — but they’re reluctant to scupper it. By Andrew Gray and Jacopo Barigazzi 8/31/18 This one is not on the scale of the predicament the EU

3108, 2018

Veber: Berlin čvrsto protiv razmjene teritorija

Anila Shuka, Svetozar Savić, 31.08.2018. Ne prestaje da se priča o promjeni granica ili razmjeni teritorija na Balkanu. Ako do toga dođe, Berlin će stopirati pristupanje Srbije, ali i Kosova Evropskoj uniji, uvjeren je

2908, 2018

Opposition Demands Vote to ‘Protect Kosovo’s Territory’

Die Morina BIRN Pristina 29 Aug 18 Kosovo opposition parties have called for an extraordinary parliamentary session on September 4 to put a resolution to a vote which they say will protect the country’s

2808, 2018

Serbia and Kosovo May Be Ready to End Their Feud

The two countries could agree to redraw their border, which could ease the way toward EU membership. By Leonid Bershidsky , ‎August‎ ‎28‎, ‎2018‎ ‎   An agreement between Serbia and Kosovo to settle

2808, 2018

Redrawing Balkan borders would be a fatal mistake

I made a personal plea to the presidents of Serbia and Kosovo — but it fell on deaf ears. By Adnan Ćerimagić, 8/28/18   On a stage with the presidents of Kosovo and

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