Srpsko-albanski dijalog2022-05-16T11:15:06+02:00

Ovaj deo sajta sadrži bazu medijskih tekstova o srpsko-albanskom dijalogu od 2018. do 2022. godine na srpskom i engleskom jeziku. Srpsko-albanski dijalog odnosi se na pregovire između zvaničnika Srbije, Kosova i međunarodne zajednice u vezi sa rešenjem kosovskog pitanja.

1906, 2020

Cure detalji sastanka Lavrova i Vučića, nije sve bilo tako bajno: ‘Neke poruke su nas uznemirile‘

Autor: Vlado Vurušić, Objavljeno: 19.jun 2020. Iako provučićevski mediji posjet ruskog ministra žele prikazati kao podršku SNS-u, u tim razgovorima, čini se, nije cvalo cvijeće Iako provučićevski mediji, a i sam Aleksandar Vučić, žele

1706, 2020

Trump envoy brokers White House meeting for Kosovo and Serbia presidents Shaun Walker Central and Eastern Europe correspondent and Julian Borger in Washington Wed 17 Jun 2020 Fears of hasty deal to bolster US president’s re-election prospects as EU sidelined. The presidents of Kosovo and Serbia will meet at the White House later this month, as Donald Trump aims to make a breakthrough in the long-running dispute between the two nations. The meeting, announced this week by Trump’s controversial Balkan envoy, Richard Grenell, came as a surprise to European capitals and raised concerns in some quarters that a hasty deal between Belgrade and Pristina could involve a land-swap that could have unpredictable knock-on effects. “If, and it’s a big if, this initiative succeeds, it will be something of a slap in the face for the EU and its many years of efforts trying to normalise relations between Belgrade and Pristina,” said Corina Stratulat, of the European Policy Centre in Brussels. Serbia still considers Kosovo part of its territory. The republic broke away after a 1999 Nato bombing campaign against Serbia, and declared independence in 2008. A potential deal could pave the way for trade, mutual recognition and eventual EU accession for both countries. The Kosovo president, Hashim Thaçi, on Tuesday confirmed he would attend the talks and said: “Kosovo has no time to waste, no time to stagnate or to hesitate, we need to move as fast as possible towards the perspective to become part of the organisation of the United Nations, Nato and the EU.” Grenell, in announcing the White House meeting, played down the idea of an overarching deal. “As we have consistently said, we must first make progress on growing the economies. This is the focus,” he wrote on Twitter. Serbia’s president, Aleksandar Vučić, also said on Tuesday that the talks would be primarily economic in nature, and added that Serbia wanted to engage with both the US and with EU efforts to find a solution. “We’re not going to fight with Germany or America,” Vučić said. “It’s important that in the battle of the elephants we remain unhurt.” The role of Grenell, a Trump loyalist, has been controversial. In April, Kosovo’s ousted prime minister Albin Kurti accused the US envoy of mounting a coup to depose him because of his scepticism about a potential deal. Kurti said Grenell was not interested in the substance of a deal but only “the signature on the bottom of the paper”, which could be presented as a success for Trump in an election year. “My government was not overthrown for anything else but simply because ambassador Grenell was in a hurry to sign an agreement with Serbia,” Kurti said in April. Molly Montgomery, a White House adviser to Vice President Mike Pence, said it was difficult “to take 100% at face value” Grenell’s insistence that the White House talks would be purely about economics. “In the context of Kosovo and Serbia, economic issues are often tied with political issues as we’ve seen in the past,” she said. She also noted that the EU had been “boxed out completely” from the talks. After announcing the talks, Grenell lashed out at critics on Twitter, including Carl Bildt, the former Swedish prime minister and chair of the European Council on Foreign Relations, who had criticised the decision to sideline the EU. Bildt was suffering from “Trump Derangement Syndrome”, Grennel wrote. On Tuesday, the EU’s newly appointed envoy for peace talks, the former Slovak foreign minister Miroslav Lajčák, flew to Belgrade and Pristina, in what looked like the EU playing catchup. Ian Bancroft, who worked for the EU in North Kosovo and wrote a recent book about the area, said the EU-led dialogue had achieved a lot of incremental successes, but had made little progress on consolidating Kosovo’s statehood, making Pristina amenable to a US-brokered deal. “Kosovo has been denied even visa liberalisation, hence all talk of a European perspective rings hollow,” he said. He noted, however, that both sides would be aware that the rushed timeframe, combined with Trump’s uncertain election prospects, made the prospects for a comprehensive, workable deal minimal. “A possible Biden administration would have a very different stance on the matter,” Bancroft said. In another sign of the delicate geopolitical considerations linked to any deal, within hours of Grenell’s announcement on Monday, Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, called Vučić to remind him that any deal should be approved by the UN security council. Vučić has played a delicate balancing act in recent years, courting the EU while maintaining good relations with Russia. Moscow is wary of a deal that could mean Serbia, one of its few allies in Europe, opens the door to increased US or Nato influence. Vučić will travel to Moscow to meet Putin just days before going to the White House.

Pregovori o Kosovu na novoj prekretnici Autor Dragan Janjić | Demostat | Beograd DEMOSTAT | 17.06.2020 Scena na kojoj su i ključni globalni igrači od kojih u visokom stepenu zavisi dalji razvoj situacije je 

1506, 2020

White House to host Kosovo peace talks, envoy says

By ANDREW GRAY, 06/15/2020 Mail Reddit WhatsApp The White House will host leaders from Serbia and Kosovo later this month in an effort to kickstart stalled efforts to reach a permanent peace settlement, according

1506, 2020

Blackmail coming from Pristina: Lajcak is welcome only if…

Hashim Thaci said that he knows nothing about the schedule of meetings of the EU Special Envoy Miroslav Lajcak, who is coming to Kosovo, as Koha reports Source: Kosovo online Monday, June 15, 2020 Earlier,

306, 2020

Kosovo gets new government in move that may ease ties with Serbs

Misha Savic, 03/06/2020 Kosovo approved a new government, overcoming a protracted power struggle by appointing as prime minister a moderate economist who has vowed to lift a trade barrier on Serbia goods. Lawmakers approved

206, 2020

RSE: Lajčak bi da pregovore Srbije i Kosova obnovi već u junu

Beta, Miroslav Lajčak, specijalni predstavnik Evropske unije (EU) za dijalog Srbije i Kosova, namerava da prvu rundu pregovora uskoro priredi u Briselu, po mogućnosti već tokom juna, saznaje danas Radio Slobodna Evropa (RSE).

106, 2020

Петар Ристановић: Nomen est omen или О термину Косово и Метохија

By Стање ствари on 1. јуна 2020. У семантичком рату ровови су одавно ископани, али су његови почеци и компликована историја готово непознати Од како је у септембру 2018. године Аљбин Курти на

106, 2020

Lajčak ponovo na Balkanu i zavodljivi šarm optimizma

    Izvor KoSSev, Dušan Janjić   1. jula 2020. U kolumni “Šta se ovde čeka”, Šalja nas podseća na dva iskustva decenijskih nastojanja da se dođe do mira i to: uspešnog – u primeru

106, 2020

Kosovo Govt Defends New Reciprocity Measures Against Critics

Xhorxhina Bami Pristina BIRN June 1, 2020 Kosovo's incumbent government has defended its decision to introduce new reciprocity measures against Serbia after the EU, the Kosovo President and other key politicians in the country

106, 2020

Lajčák criticises new measures on import from Serbia introduced by Kosovo Government

By EWB01.06.2020 BRUSSELS / PRISTINA – EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajčák tweeted on Sunday that he was disappointed with the new measures on import from Serbia introduced by the caretaker

106, 2020

Austria opposes current EU rescue, wants changes with Reuters 01-06-2020 Austria opposes Europe’s current €750 billion plan to help economies recover from the coronavirus pandemic and wants to negotiate changes to the proposal, the country’s finance minister said on Saturday

106, 2020

Петар Ристановић: Nomen est omen или О термину Косово и Метохија

By Стање ствари on 1. јуна 2020. У семантичком рату ровови су одавно ископани, али су његови почеци и компликована историја готово непознати Од како је у септембру 2018. године Аљбин Курти на

106, 2020

Trump Administration’s Bet on Kosovo’s Thaci Fails to Pay Off

Dean B. Pineles, Washington DC, July 1, 2020   The White House’s envoy for Kosovo-Serbia dialogue hoped to rush both countries’ leaders into a deal and score a win for Donald Trump - but

106, 2020

Петар Ристановић: Nomen est omen или О термину Косово и Метохија

By Стање ствари on 1. јуна 2020. У семантичком рату ровови су одавно ископани, али су његови почеци и компликована историја готово непознати Од како је у септембру 2018. године Аљбин Курти на

3105, 2020

Kosovo Sets Rules for Serbian Imports to Protests in Belgrade

By Jasmina Kuzmanovic and Misha Savic ‎May‎ ‎31‎, ‎2020‎ ‎ Kosovo’s outgoing government set new conditions for imports from neighboring Serbia and Belgrade immediately rejected them as unacceptable, dashing hopes for the restoration of

2905, 2020

Brussels and Washington Must Work Together on Kosovo Deal

Drilon Gashi Washingon BIRN May 29, 2020 Only joint mediation involving the US and EU can push the stalled Kosovo-Serbia ‘dialogue’ towards the end goal of normalisation. Joint EU and US mediation in the

2905, 2020

Grenell urges Kosovo parties to respect Constitutional Court’s ruling on new Government

By EWB29.05.2020 PRISTINA – US Special Envoy Richard Grenell reacted after Kosovo Constitutional Court decided that the new Government can be formed without an election and unanimously decided in favour of President Hashim Thaci’s

2805, 2020

Court Ruling May Deepen Divisions in Kosovo

Armend Bekaj BIRN May 28, 2020 The country is destined for more political turbulence – whatever line the Constitutional Court takes on the President’s attempt to form a new government. Like the rest of

2805, 2020

Bilčik: Criticism of Lajčak undermines the EU as an actor

By EWB28.05.2020 BRATISLAVA – European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia, Vladimir Bilčik, believes that criticism of Miroslav Lajčak, the EU Special Representative for Belgrade-Pristina negotiations does not undermine him as a person, but undermines the

2705, 2020

Former Thaci Adviser: ‘Kosovo Constitution Demands New Elections’

Jeta Xharra Pristina BIRN May 27, 2020 As Kosovo awaits a Constitutional Court ruling on the legality of the President’s nomination of Avdullah Hoti as prime minister, Alexander Borg Olivier, a former legal advisor

2705, 2020

Kosovo president rejects EU mediator for talks with Serbia with Reuters 27-05-2020 Kosovo President Hashim Thaçi said on Tuesday (26 May) he would not take part in talks on normalising ties with Serbia led by an European Union special mediator, calling instead

2505, 2020

Maas and Le Drian: Re-start the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue

By EWB25.05.2020 PARIS / BERLIN – Foreign Ministers of France Jean-Yves Le Drian and Germany Heiko Maas published a Joint article on the situation in the Western Balkans and the relationship between Serbia and

2205, 2020

Serwer: Kosovo agreement could destabilize region

Author: KoSSev , 22.05.2020. American political analyst and Balkans expert Daniel Serwer told the KoSSev news portal that he believes that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and his Kosovo counterpart Hashim Thaci could reach an

2005, 2020

Kosovo’s Political Rivals Lock Horns Ahead of Court Verdict

The battle between President Thaci and Prime Minister Kurti has become increasingly heated as both sides await a Constitutional Court ruling on the President’s appointment of a new PM. Kosovo’s incumbent Prime Minister, Albin Kurti,

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